; Beta-8 build -- changed to use multisel listboxes.
; Rev 1.0 27 May 1992 12:52:12 lch
; Initial checkin.
; About This File
; ===============
; The information in this file determines
; * All dialog strings.
; * The names of the disks and directories from which, and to which, Install
; copies files
; * The name of the group that Install creates in Program Manager's window, and the
; names of program items that Install adds to that group
; You can create your own Install program by changing some of the information
; in this file.
; The Parts of INSTALL.INF
; -------------------------
; INSTALL.INF is similar in format to a Windows initialization (.INI) file.
; Sections: INSTALL.INF is divided into sections. Each section is identified
; by an alphanumeric name enclosed in square brackets.
; Most section names are "hard-coded": Install is written to search for
; in INSTALL.INF for that specific section name. However, some section
; names are defined within other sections, and are therefore easily
; customizable.
; Comments: A comment begins with a semicolon. You can include a comment
; on the same line as syntax, as long as it comes after the syntax.
; Spaces: Spaces are ignored, except when between double quotes.
; Blank lines are also ignored.
; Special
; Chars: The ampersand (&) is a special character to Windows. In
; those strings that appear in dialog boxes, the ampersand
; transformed into an accelerator (an underscore below the
; following character).
; Special non-"non printable" characters (e.g.: return, formfeed, (r),
; etc.) can be obtained by using C-style escapes (i.e.:
; \n, \f, \256 (octal) [or \xAE (hex)] for the previous examples).
; NOTE: All text *must* be entered on a single line. You can
; format the text into multiple lines by inserting '\n' wherever
; you want a line to break, but text strings in this file must typed
; as one entire line.
;** Please do NOT localize any strings that are not inside double quotes (") **
; Sections in This File
; ---------------------
; The rest of this file contains the actual sections and statements
; that make up the working file. It also includes comments that
; explain each section and statement.
; The [data] section includes misc. information about the
; location application.
name = "QuarkXPress for Windows"
;do not localize
regfile = xpress.reg
Black = 0x00000000
Red = 0x000000FF
Green = 0x0000FF00
Blue = 0x00FF0000
Cyan = 0x00FFFF00
Magenta = 0x00FF00FF
Yellow = 0x0000FFFF
White = 0x00FFFFFF
changed = "Changing this path will require you to reimport all associated pictures for the affected QuarkXPress documents. Do you want to do this?"
complete = "Install complete."
; The [dialog] section contains information pertaining to Install's dialog box.
; The Caption statement determines the text that appears in the title bar
; of Install's dialog box.
; The following Caption statement specifies the caption "Demo App Installation".
; To specify your own caption, replace the text "Demo App Installation" with the
; title you want (enclosed in double quotes).
caption = "QuarkXPress for Windows Installer"
continue = "&Continue"
next = "&Next"
abortinstall = "&Abort Install"
ok = "OK"
cancel = "Cancel"
install = "&Install"
abortreg = "&Abort Installation"
quit = "&Quit"
caption = "Demo QuarkXPress for Windows Installer"
abortinstall = "&Abort Install"
ok = "OK"
cancel = "Cancel"
install = "&Install"
color = "Favorite &Color Scheme:"
para1 = "Welcome to the QuarkXPress\256 for Windows Installation and Registration program. This program will install QuarkXPress and create your User Registration File."
para2 = "By completing the Installation/Registration procedure, you agree to the terms of the QuarkXPress Software License and Limited Warranty Agreement located on the disk packet."
para3 = "The Registration program makes use of fields that have associated drop-down lists. Clicking on the arrow button displays a list with possible entries for the field, as shown in the example below."
;For list comboboxes (those beginning with [combo*]): If no number is given,
;the first entry becomes the default (selected). The combo box is not sorted,
;so the entries will appear as you list them.
caption = "Product Registration"
title = "Please enter your registration information."
serialnum = "Serial &Number:"
phone = "Area Code/&Phone:"
contact = "&Contact:"
lname = "&Last Name"
fname = "&First Name"
mi = "M.I."
companyname = "Co&mpany Name:"
companyaddr = "Street &Address:"
city = "C&ity:"
state = "&State/Province:"
zip = "&ZIP/Postal Code:"
country = "C&ountry:"
purdate = "QuarkXPress Purchase &Date :"
dealername = "QuarkXPress &Dealer Name:"
dealercity = "&Dealer\x92s City and State/Province:"
country = "C&ountry:"
lname = "&Last Name:"
fname = "&First Name:"
addr = "Postal &Address:"
phone = "&Phone:"
fax = "&FAX:"
alloneline = "(Please do not put all details on one line)"
dealercity = "&Dealer\x92s Address:"
caption = "System Information"
title = "This information will help Quark\x92s Technical Support staff assist you."
numpcs = "Approximate number of PCs at your &location:"
printers = "PostScript &Printers: (please select all that apply)"
scanner = "&Scanner:"
otherprinters = "Other &Printers:"
nettype = "&Network Type:"
netsoftware = "&Network Software:"
otherapps = "What other PC &applications do you use?"
"Apple Computer"
"Texas Instruments"
"New Image Tech"
"Token Ring"
"Novell NetWare"
"Banyan Vines"
"LAN Manager"
caption = "User Information Survey"
title = "This information will help us serve you more efficiently."
learn = "How did you &learn about QuarkXPress?"
business = "What is your primary type of &business?"
create = "What do you &create with QuarkXPress? (please select all that apply)"
othercreate = "&Other:"
publications = "What professional &publications do you read? (please select all that apply)"
otherpublications = "&Other:"
comments = "Co&mments:"
"Another user"
"Trade show"
"Service bureau"
"Macintosh News"
"PC Week"
"PC World"
"PC Magazine"
"PC Computing"
"PC Publishing"
"Newspaper publisher"
"Book publisher"
"Catalog publisher"
"Magazine publisher"
"Advertising agency"
"Graphic design"
"Service bureau"
"Annual reports"
"Macintosh News"
"PC Week"
"PC World"
"PC Magazine"
"PC Computing"
"PC Publishing"
caption = "QuarkXPress for Windows Registration"
para1 = "Click OK to install QuarkXPress and create your User Registration File. Click the appropriate button if you want to review or change previously entered information."
prodreg = "Product Registration"
sysinfo = "System Information"
userinfo = "User Info. Survey"
para1 = "Thank you for using Quark\x92s electronic registration! Please use the enclosed postage-paid mailer to send us your User Registration Disk as soon as possible. Be sure to include your name and telephone number on the disk."
para2 = "You must return your User Registration Disk to receive the benefits of the 90-Day Limited Warranty and the 90-Day Service Plan, as well as to qualify for future upgrade offers."
; *** Start of actual installation ***
para = "To begin installation of QuarkXPress and to copy auxiliary files, click OK. You will be asked to specify a drive and directory for the QuarkXPress application and auxiliary files."
para = "To begin installation of Demo QuarkXPress and to copy auxiliary files, click OK. You will be asked to specify a drive and directory for the QuarkXPress application and auxiliary files."
para = "Please enter the directory in which you would like to install QuarkXPress."
customize = "&Customize..."
para = "Please enter the directory in which you would like to install Demo QuarkXPress."
caption = "Select Items to Install"
section = "&Items:"
path = "&Path:"
install = "&Install Highlighted Item"
update = "&Update Highlighted Item"
delete = "D&elete Highlighted Item (!)"
reinstall = "&Reinstall Highlighted Item"
disabled_subsection = "No Details"
view_subsection = "View &Details"
hide_subsection = "Hide &Details"
browse = "&Browse..."
totals = "Totals:"
caption = "Select Directory"
directories = "&Directories:"
drives = "Dri&ves:"
caption = "File Error"
exit = "Exit"
caption = "File Error"
exit = "Exit"
para = "Please insert the following disk:"
para = "Please insert the following disk:"
text = "Press F3 to abort."
text = "Press F3 to abort."
; The [disks] section defines the distribution disks that contain the application
; files. Install uses this information to tell the user to insert the correct disk.
; Elsewhere within this .INF file, the distribution disks are normally referred to
; by a single-character disk ID. This section defines those disk IDs, and includes
; information about the disk to which each disk ID refers.
; The disk ID '0' is reserved; it represents the system directory.
; The format of each disk definition is:
; n = path, title
; where
; n is the disk ID (a single character from 1-9 or A-Z).
; path the path of the source directory from which Install should copy
; the files to the disk. The path can be relative to the
; source directory (see examples below).
; title is a descriptive name for the disk. The title should match
; the disk's printed or written label exactly.
; The following disk-definition statements define two distribution disks.
1 =., "QuarkXPress for Windows Disk 1"
2 =., "QuarkXPress for Windows Disk 2"
3 =., "QuarkXPress for Windows Disk 3"
4 =.\tutorial, "QuarkXPress for Windows Disk 4"
5 =.\samples, "QuarkXPress for Windows Disk 5"
6 =., "QuarkXPress User Registration Disk"
7 =.\samples, "QuarkXPress for Windows Disk 1"
0 =., "Windows Directory"
x =c:\, "Root directory"
y =., "Temporary Directory"
z =., "Install Directory"
; The first statement tells Install to refer to Disk 1.
; Because the period (.) denotes the current directory, the files
; on that disk will be copied from the root directory of the
; distribution disk.
; You can include as many disk-definition statements as necessary. Every
; distribution disk should have a corresponding disk-definition statement;
; otherwise, Install cannot tell the user to insert the appropriate disk.
; The following [app.copy.appstuff] section contains section-definition
; statements. Each statement defines a section that lists application files
; to be copied as part of installation. The sections are organized by file
; destination; you should define a separate section for each destination